Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Problems of Legal Regulation of the Implementation of Fixed Assets of Legal Entities, Serving Sentences as an Incentive for Law-abiding Behavior of Those Sentenced to Imprisonment, Respect for Individual Rights

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2021 14 (11)
Belik, Valery N.; Kutakov, Nikolay N.; Metlin, Dmitry G.
Contact information
Belik, Valery N.: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow, Russian Federation; Kutakov, Nikolay N.: Academy of Law Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia Ryazan, Russian Federation; Metlin, Dmitry G.: Academy of Law Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia Ryazan, Russian Federation;
deprivation of liberty; convicted person; means of correction; public influence; educational work; law-abiding behavior; observance of rights

The aim of the work is to study criminal-executive relations in the field of application of the basic means of correction to convicts serving a sentence of imprisonment. The analysis of the legal basis for the implementation of fixed assets for the correction of convicts established by the criminal executive legislation of Russia is carried out. There is a deficiency in the legal regulation of certain remedies, including social impact and educational work with prisoners. This circumstance is a significant obstacle to their implementation in practice, which negatively affects the formation of law-abiding behavior of persons serving a prison sentence, as well as the observance of rights. A number of recommendations are made, aimed at improving the criminal-executive policy in this area, including on the basis of the analysis of the legal support of remedies for convicted countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States convicted under the law

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