Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics / A Multifaceted Approach to Forming Mathematical Digital Competency of Future Engineers in Teaching Applied Mathematics

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. 2023 16 (6)
Noskov, Mikhail V.; Shershneva, Viktoria A.; Skafa, Elena I.; Evseeva, Elena G.; Korolev, Mark E.
Contact information
Noskov, Mikhail V. : Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; OCRID: 0000-0001-8966-3633; Shershneva, Viktoria A. : Siberian Federal University Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation; Skafa, Elena I. : Donetsk State University Donetsk, Russian Federation; OCRID: 0000-0002-8816-8873; Evseeva, Elena G. : Donetsk State University Donetsk, Russian Federation; OCRID: 0000-0001-8812-8874; Korolev, Mark E. : Automobile and Highway Institute Donetsk National Technical University Gorlovka, Russian Federation; OCRID: 0000-0001-9570-2432
applied mathematics; mathematical digital competency; future engineers; mathematical modeling; digital education tools

The paper deals with the problem of forming mathematical digital competency of engineering students. Authors suggest a comprehensive approach to solve the problem which is implemented in a course of applied mathematics for future engineers. The concept of mathematical digital competency of an engineering specialist, the formation of which is the aim of students’ training, is articulated. The paper provides rationale for the use of professionally oriented task system for mastering methods of mathematical modelling, computer simulators as well as game simulation models for teaching applied mathematics with the use of +ACI-Teacher–Student+ACI- automated working space. It facilitates quick mastering of basic methods of applied mathematics, computer science, some elements of algorithmization and programming by engineering students. The contents of the virtual laboratory complex for the course of applied mathematics powered by AnyLogic platform for simulation model implementation is described. The description of the developed system for managing student individual work is given. Tools for diagnosing the formation of mathematical digital competency are also presented

Paper at repository of SibFU