Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics / The Solution of Algebraic Equations of Continuous Fractions of Nikiports

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics. 2014 7 (4)
Shmoylov, Vladimir I.; Kirichenko, Gennadiy A.
Contact information
Shmoylov, Vladimir I.:Southern Scientific Center of RAS Chehova, 41, Rostov-on-Don, 344006 Russia; ; Kirichenko, Gennadiy A.:Southern Federal University, ITA Nekrasovsky, 44, Taganrog, Rostov region, 347928 Russia;
algebraic equation; infinite Toeplitz determinant; r/'-algorithm; diverging continuous frac- tions

Analytical expressions representing all the roots of a random algebraic equation of n-th degree in terms of the equation coefficients are presented in the paper. These formulas consist of two ratios of infi- nite Toeplitz determinants. The diagonal elements of the determinants are the coefficients of algebraic equations. To find complex roots the method of summation of divergent continued fractions is used

Paper at repository of SibFU