Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences / Global Peace and the Problem of Perfection as a Problem of Universal Connection

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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences. 2015 8 (6)
Malinin, Alexander V.
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Malinin, Alexander V.:Siberian Federal University 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk, 660041, Russia; E-mail:
perfection; universal connection of phenomena; global world; crisis of existence; system; synergy; value diversity of the world

The paper is devoted to perfection as an important social and philosophical issue. The author argues that perfection is determined by the universal connection of phenomena in nature and in society. It is proved that a systematic approach to the ways of improving human society helps to analyze society as perfection. Perfection, in the author’s opinion, is manifested in the effort to comprehend the essence of the universal connection, which in the modern world stems from the ambiguity of the current globalization trends. Problems of research of universal connection of phenomena is determined in many respects by the crisis of modern science, as it is arises out of a variety of methodological approaches, which eventually form fundamentally different pictures of reality. In classical philosophy, there used to be a clear distinction between simple systems, that have been studied in physics or chemistry, and complex systems (scopes of biology and the humanities). Due to the original premise of the identity of thinking and being classical rationalism as a methodological principle initially expressed the relevance of humanistic knowledge, aimed at revealing, though abstract, semantic significance of the world. The integrity of modern European culture is preserved thanks to the predominant focus on science and belief that it is able to provide a person with a vital practical orientation in the world. The established tradition of unquestioning reliance on Cartesian methodological framework has led to the gradual lost of the universal connection of phenomena; and the world is no longer perceived as coherent and unified, rather it appears as discrete and fragmented. Increasingly, the crisis condition of being comes forward. This condition fully reveals itself in the very problem of understanding the universal connections. The universal connection of phenomena was present, in particular, in the second half of the 20th century, when there was a great increase of interest in myth as an attempt to explain the universal connections of phenomena by our ancestors. For most contemporary scholars it becomes apparent that thinking which does not regard the primordial time and being becomes defective and environmentally unfriendly, whereas the lack of artistic worldview, formed largely by cosmogonic myths, threatens to impoverish the culture. The evaluation of the research is consistent with the relationship between a man and nature, but the process of obtaining these results implies dominating in nature studies understanding of the subjectobject relationship. The author emphasizes that therefore “a backbone” of research programs remains unaffected, although their targets anyway reflect the inherently social task, which is to contribute to the understanding and practical regulating the relations in the system “man-societynature”.The article highlights that in order to understand the essence of the universal connection of phenomena it is important to consider the theory of the dual feedback, according to which the feedback in natural systems exists in two forms: informational and non-informational. It is believed that the noninformational type circulates in inanimate nature, and the informational type starts to function only at the level of organic matter. The organization of systems in the living world creates a completely different, new type of development mechanisms, unknown in inorganic nature, containing feedback mechanisms. This is the main feature that distinguishes the living from the nonliving creatures. However, some virus like creatures, traditionally assigned to the living world, still seemingly lack the ability to form a feedback loop. The deepening ecological crisis, as well as new discoveries in physics, has brought the need to change the scientific paradigm, since classical science is unable to respond to new challenges. In this context, there are questions about what to do with nuclear waste, what measures to take against poverty, hunger, war threats, loss of biodiversity, pollution of the planet, etc. According to the author, the universal connection, serving as perfection, involves the integration of all spheres of human activity and human knowledge in a single world process. This approach inevitably leads to dealing with problems that have become global in today’s society, but have not been solved in the framework of the traditional scientific approaches

Paper at repository of SibFU

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