Журнал СФУ. Гуманитарные науки. 2018 11 (9)

  1. Artistic Culture and Ethnicity: Maintaining the Present-day Buryat Ethnosphere
    стр. 1374-1385; Amogolonova, Darima D.
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  2. 60th Anniversary of the Famous Ethnographer-Tungusologist Tatyana Yur’evna Sem
    стр. 1386-1398; Davydov, Vladimir N.
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  3. For the Sake of Faith of for the Sake of Land? Religion as a Factor of Conflicts between Migrants and Old-Dwellers in the Course of the Great Siberian Migration (Evidence from the Ognevo Village, Biysk District)
    стр. 1399-1411; Kirillov, Alexey K.; Karavayeva, Anastasiya G.
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  4. Neo-sentimentalism of L.S. Petrushevskaya in the Light of Catharsis Through Laughter and Tears
    стр. 1412-1424; Kubasov, Alexander V.
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  5. Franz Joseph Haydn. “The Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross” Oratorio
    стр. 1425-1439; Lozinskaya, Vera P.
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  6. The Development of Siberia: the Yenisei (Oxford) Expedition of 1914–1915
    стр. 1440-1452; Maizik, Elena I.; Vdovin, Alexandr S.
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  7. Cultural, Communicative and Relevance Factors as the Bases for Decision Making in Translation
    стр. 1453-1466; Petrova, Olga V.
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  8. Russian Urban Environment Research Review
    стр. 1467-1486; Reznikova, Ksenia V.
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  9. Translation vs Localization: What’s the Difference?
    стр. 1487-1498; Sdobnikov, Vadim V.
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  10. Current Trends, Challenges and Prospects for the Yenisei Arctic Development
    стр. 1499-1512; Shulepova, Olga V.
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  11. Visualization of the Concept of State in the Architecture of the Moscow Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat (1555–1561)
    стр. 1513-1528; Sitnikova, Alexandra A.; Zhukovsky, Vladimir I.
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